Friday, April 29, 2005

He Still Doesn't Get It

It's foggy this morning and so far the oil well drillers haven't disturbed the tranquility around my woods. What's disturbing me it the President's press conference last night. I'll leave the lambasting to Maher and Stewart as I tend to dismiss most politcal speaking as pandering rhetoric anyway-- and the President pandered last night so much he was like a carpenter driving nails with a rubber hammer. He approached the podium with all the assurance he held the winning hand but his cards were marked. His use of the words 'private accounts' was sprinkled liberally throughout his discourse on Social Security as though all Americans were accustomed to investing part of their income in 'private accounts' and the ups and downs of the stock market were nothing to worry about, after all they could easily convert to 'bonds'. Did he mean government bonds? How 'safe' would they be if the government goes bankrupt? Maybe he was thinking of war bonds. His take on Korea and glossing up China was frightening to say the least. The political climate in china is as volatile as a Chinese New Years parade. Their interest in North Korea has always been to put them in their back pocket...still is. Much the same as when they sent troops in to support North Korea during the Korean war. And the ensuing years have not shown any signs that China is interested in our form of 'Democracy'.

When Bush catagorized himself as one of thos baby boomers soon to retire it only proved--at least to me (and more than likely any other American with an iota of common sense) that he is still living in the La-La land of the rich and infamous. Born into wealth, he still doesn't get it and probably never will. This kind of condescending to the poor and middle class speaks volumes about how he really views the working class.


Blogger Sunwolf said...

You spelled "categorized" wrong.

7:54 AM  
Blogger Sunwolf said...

My reason for not continuing further in analysis is that this is an opinion piece and not specifically targeted towards convincing an audience.

Sorry, not able to help here.

7:55 AM  

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