Strange Trial in Bagdad
I guess I'm past dumbfounded at the antics of Saddam Hussein and, at the same time, amazed at the judicial system of Irag. So far, Hussein has told the judge to go to hell, ranted that his trial was unjust and today, by God and Ali, he is boycotting his own trial! Iraqian spokesmen said they were afraid of the 'image' it would create in the middle east if they drug him in the court room in chains. So they just left him in his cell, I assume, as he didn't show up today. Unbelievable. If the Iraqian court can't control this man because they fear him so much, how in the world are the Iraqian police going to police that large faction of folks over there who still think he was railroaded? We just need to get the hell out of there. Even the president should admit that that little bit of oil Iraq sells to the world supply just ain't worth a matter of fact, it wasn't worth it in the first place.
This trial is reaching the point of being a joke.
keep your eye on thursdays post. call it getting back to you.
ok why do you hold to it?
being in total agreement with you does not free me from bias, my problem isn't with w, it is with allowing a bias to prevent understanding and being able to solve problems utilizing that understanding. as for id, supporting both theroies is not a bias. supporting only one would be, whether anyone accepts that or not. i am open to both sides on each issue. you seem to have a side on each issue. who has the bias?
I have considered and read extensively about it (including the history) and I do hold the fact, studying the other side just made it stronger.
He can do all he wants is my opnion. Can you imagine Bush on trial? Yup. Let the fun begin.
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